Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weekly Highlights

Erin and I have a talent for not getting ourselves together until mere hours before leaving the country. Clearly now is an appropriate time to start packing for Italy. Perfect.

Regardless, onto the highlights (I´m into lists lately, so let it happen):

1. Meeting with Marta! I officially have a Spanish friend. My intercambio, Marta, is so cool. She was clearly very fashionable (a fact which I forgot to take into account when planning my outfit Monday morning), and very kind. We went to a cafe and hung out. We talked about how she worked in Ohio over the summer (unclear as to what she did exactly. I thought that she said she worked at Cedar Point, but this seems highly unlikely and fairly random, no?) We spoke in Spanish (I guess we´ll do English next week?) and I understood most of what she said, and she called me out when I didn´t. I liked that. ("You know what blank means?" "Yea!" "Really??" "") We ended our conversation with her suggesting I facebook friend her, and you know that if it´s on facebook, it´s legit.

2. Emilio takes the role of entertaining host parent for the week!
"Women always talk about how great they all look when they´re together, but as soon as they´re alone they talk about how fat and ugly the others are."
"´s for girls. I like bulls and football (soccer). They´re a lot tougher."
"I want to ask you guys a question and it´s okay if you don´t want to answer it. You don´t have to answer....did you guys know each other before you got to Spain?" (we assured him that this was, in fact, an appropriate question.)

3. We suddenly have work to do?

4. Erin´s friend Sony and her roommate Nikki come to visit! Erin and I eat out for the first time in Madrid. Obviously, we order melon for dessert....and then we get churros con chocolate for dessert numero dos. We go to the cave bar! People do in fact drink from the ceiling. Unfortunately, we are not that cool. We start to see the city from an above ground view. It is surprisingly walkable. We realize we should start walking around more because cool things are very close to us.

5. This is by far the least interesting blogpost evahhh, BUT WE´RE GOING TO ITALY TOMORROWWWWWW! Erin wrote a song about it. It goes: Erin´s going to italyyyy, Nicole´s going to italyyyy, we´re all going to italyyyy, and it´s gunna be really fun. (feel free to make up your own tune, or better yet, ask for a performance next time you hear from Erin). VIVA ITALIAAAAA!

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